The Library's prime purpose is to provide favourable environments, services and materials to support the teaching, learning and research of the staff and students of the College. Any student in the Library or using library services is assumed to have undertaken to observe the Library Regulations as set out below. Introduction and context
1. Identity and library cards are non-transferable.
2. No book will be issued to students unless they produce their Identity-cum-Library Cards at the issue counter.
3. Under-graduate students are entitled to draw two books while Post-graduate students are entitled to draw four books at a time from the library.
4. Books are issued for 14 days with the exception of same books which cannot be retained for more than a week or in some cases three days. The fine shall be charged for each volume kept overtime.
5. Book can be re-issued at the discretion of the Librarian keeping in view the demand of the students.
6. Students should draw books from Text Books Section/ Reference Section overnight. 6 Specia fine of Rs. 10.00 shall be charged from defaulters.
7. Books lost or defaced in any way shall have to be replaced by the borrower, failing which current price of the book will be charged.
8. Students should examine the books/magazines carefully before getting the same issued. If a book/magazine is damaged, the fact should be brought to the notice of the Librarian who will sign on it as an evidence of the defect.
9. Students on leave must arrange for the return of books in time. The Librarian can order any book to be returned at his discretion.
10. Reference books, Syllabi, illustrated material and journals, etc. are to be consulted in library only. Any student found guilty of taking such material outside the library shall be held guilty of pilferage.
11. Duplicate Identity Card shall be issued on payments of Rs. 100.00 but the owner of the card shall be responsible for the books issued on the original card. The report for the loss of Identity Card must be submitted in writing at the issue counter. No duplicate card shall be issued after February 2015.
12. Students are expected to see the Library Notice Board from time to time.